Jinhao Hu (胡锦浩
MPI-SWS (Doctoral Researcher; Sept, 2024 ~ till now)
I am a first year PhD student at MPI-SWS under the supervision of Prof. Laurent Bindschaedler.
PingCAP – Storage Team (Database Engineer; Jul, 2022 ~ Sept, 2024)
- Resource Control. Achieved isolation of multiple applications deployed on a shared cluster. Incorporated Quota Control Layer and Scheduling Control Layer for flow control and priority scheduling.
- Microservices. Supporting depolying PD microservice mode, which splits the timestamp allocation and cluster scheduling functions of PD into the following two independently deployed microservices.
- Test Improvement. Achieving a 3-6x speedup across different machine environments.
- Support 10M regions simulation. Providing pd the same specification machine to deploy the real pd under the big cluster, simulate the request number of TiDB/TiKV + TiKV heartbeat heartbeat report + all kinds of scheduling for the region and so on.
- Flashback Cluster. Developed a fast rollback feature to revert cluster data to a specific timestamp in cases of user errors. Based on Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) to retrieve timestamped data and overwrite current data using the Two-phase Commit protocol (2PC).
ByteDance Inc. (Developer Intern; Mar, 2021 ~ Sept, 2021)
- Release Platform Development. Contributed to the build of a Release Platform for the company’s applications, including TikTok. Implemented a message queue with priority scheduling support to facilitate uploads to various stores, minimizing cross-platform operational overhead for users and refining status visualization.
- RPC Service Construction: Used the KiteX service framework and the Thrift cross-language protocol to develop RPC services for the Lark application. Delivered RESTful interfaces encompassing: Package uploads, Publishing policies, User group management.
- Programming Language: Golang, Rust, C&C++, Java and Python.
- Tech Skills: Distributed Systems, Database Systems, Key-Value Storage, Cloud Computing, Kubernetes, etc.
- Developing Tool: Experienced with Linux-based development and team collaboration tools, including Git.
detailed in HuSharp’s toy projects
Central South University - Computer Science (Bachelor; 2018 ~ 2022)
- National Scholarship 2019 (Top 0.2% national-wide)